If there is a typical vinegar of Spanish cuisine, it is the Reserva 25 Años from Páez Morilla. Its origins date back to 1910, the date on which Don Francisco Páez Sánchez, grandfather of the current owners of the firm, founded a Recreational Wine Society called "Los Palitos". Since then, this winery has been producing Sherry vinegars of exceptional quality that will brighten all your meals.
If there is a typical vinegar of Spanish cuisine, it is the Reserva 25 Años from Páez Morilla. Its origins date back to 1910, the date on which Don Francisco Páez Sánchez, grandfather of the current owners of the firm, founded a Recreational Wine Society called "Los Palitos". Since then, this winery has been producing Sherry vinegars of exceptional quality that will brighten all your meals.