To understand what is special about this organic extra virgin olive oil, in its porcelain bottle, you first have to know what the oil flower is. It's simple: there is a small amount of olive juice that is released on its own, through a filter, before the first press. This juice is very precious, since to obtain 1 liter you need 11 kilos of olives, and not the 5 kilos obtained from the first pressing.

This extra virgin olive oil from organic production is flower oil, made with artisanal care and using exclusively selected olives from the Núñez de Prado family's own farms.

Nuñez de Prado Olive Oil - Porcelain

Regular price 22,50€
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To understand what is special about this organic extra virgin olive oil, in its porcelain bottle, you first have to know what the oil flower is. It's simple: there is a small amount of olive juice that is released on its own, through a filter, before the first press. This juice is very precious, since to obtain 1 liter you need 11 kilos of olives, and not the 5 kilos obtained from the first pressing.

This extra virgin olive oil from organic production is flower oil, made with artisanal care and using exclusively selected olives from the Núñez de Prado family's own farms.