About Real Fábrica
Real Fábrica was born in 2012 as an online shop of traditional Spanish wares, and in 2018 we expanded into a colorful shop in Madrid’s Las Letras district. The shelves of our shop tell Spain’s artisanal history through classic perfumes, grocery items, kitchenware and household decorations. A shop where we want you to live the authentic Spanish experience.
Our mission is to give a well-curated selection of curios a brighter future, with staff on-hand to tell tales about each treasure.
The name "Real Fábrica" evokes the true spirit of past Spanish Royal Factories (Reales Fábricas) which were created by the Borbones in an attempt to improve the local economy in the 18th century, to produce uniquely crafted goods of unparallel quality and excellence for the Spanish Royal family and aristocrats alike. As like these past Royal Factories, our goal is to foster local production and Spanish manufacturing and industry.
Rocío and her trips throughout Spain
Rocío was born-and-bred in the South of Spain, a land deeply engrained in rich history, tradition and culture which includes flamenco & folklore.
Upon returning back home after several years of living abroad, she realized she wanted to do something in her life she was passionate about. When you are abroad you learn to appreciate what you have at home, and she realized she was in love with her country, and she wanted to tell the entire world what we have in Spain, she wanted to reflect the most authentic aspects of Spanish culture, cuisine and customs.
Thus, began her quest, one year traveling through the regions of Galicia and the Basque Country before eventually arriving to Andalucía. After getting to know local makers and craftsmen, she began to discover an entire range of traditionally crafted products that were all the rage abroad, but slowly dying out in Spain - all to her despair!
These products were truly hidden gems here at home. Products no longer common place, although they are still in production today. Iconic brands that costumers grew up with as youngsters, product that evoke vivid childhood memories, but they are alive and well today!!! And we want to tell the entire world how incredible they are. We do not want to dwell on the past. We want to sell real products and real brands.
Rocío y sus viajes por España
Real Fábrica Española es la tienda de las marcas españolas con más historia, la tienda de los productos de toda la vida, que representan lo mejor que sabemos hacer en España desde hace varias generaciones.
Tomamos el nombre "Real Fábrica" de las manufacturas reales fundadas por los Borbones en el Siglo XVIII para la fabricación de objetos de lujo para la realeza y la aristocracia de la época, porque el fin último de este proyecto es fomentar la economía de los españoles desde la industria y la manufactura propias, apoyando la producción local y poniendo así nuestro humilde granito de arena para frenar la salida de recursos del país.
Real Fábrica nace de un primer viaje por el norte de España, donde Rocío descubre productos españoles antiguos que conocía de su niñez pero que había dejado de ver.
A partir de aquí, Rocio realiza una investigación que la lleva a recorrer todo el país seleccionando y recuperando aquellos tesoros que ya daba por desparecidos, pero que continuaban fabricándose en talleres de forma artesanal.
De estos primeros viajes, en Julio 2012 nace Real Fábrica. Al principio sólo como tienda online y en 2018 con una primera tienda física en el barrio de las letras en Madrid.
Desde entonces, Rocío continua viajando todos los meses con su van. En Real Fábrica encontrareis una representación de los infinitos tesoros que va documentando en sus viajes, una diminuta selección frente a la impresionante historia industrial y cultural de nuestro país, más viva y con más futuro hoy que nunca.